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By Savita S. More

Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Questions

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 02:49 pm

Class 6 Chapter 2 Whole Numbers

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 | NCERT class 6 Maths solutions provided for students by our expert teachers .


Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise 2.1 Solutions

  1. Write the next three natural numbers after 10999.

Solution :- Next 3 Natural Numbers Are 11000,11001,11002

  1. Write the three whole numbers occurring just before 10001.

Solution :- Next 3 Whole Numbers Are 10000,9999,9998

  1. Which is the smallest whole number?

Solution :- Zero [0] is the smallest whole number.

  1. How many whole numbers are there between 32 and 53?

Solution :- there are total 20 whole numbers are there in between 32 and 53.

  1. Write the successor of:

(a) 2440701 (b) 100199 (c) 1099999 (d) 2345670

Solution :-

2440701 + 1 =  2440702

100199 + 1 = 100200

1099999 + 1 = 1100000

2345670 + 1 = 2345671

  1. Write the predecessor of:

(a) 94 (b) 10000 (c) 208090 (d) 7654321

Solution :-

predecessor of 94 = 94-1=93

predecessor of 10000 = 10000-1 = 9999

predecessor of 208090 = 208090-1=208089

predecessor of 7654321 =  7654321-1 = 7654320

  1. In each of the following pairs of numbers, state which whole number is on the left of the other number on the number line. Also write them with the appropriate sign (>, <) between them.

530, 503 (b) 370, 307 (c) 98765, 56789 (d) 9830415, 10023001


(a) 530 > 503; So, On the number line, 503 appears to the left of 530.

(b) 370 > 307; So, On the number line, 307 appears to the left of 370.

(c) 98765 > 56789; So, On the number line, 56789 appears to the left of 98765.

(d) 9830415 < 10023001; So, On the number line, 9830415 appears to the left of 10023001.

  1. Which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false (F):

(a) Zero is the smallest natural number. [ F ]

(b) 400 is the predecessor of 399. [ F ]

(c) Zero is the smallest whole number. [ T ]

(d) 600 is the successor of 599. [ T ]

(e) All-natural numbers are whole numbers. [ T ]

(f) All whole numbers are natural numbers. [ F ]

(g) The predecessor of a two-digit number is never a single digit number. [ F ]

(h) 1 is the smallest whole number. [ F ]

(i) The natural number 1 has no predecessor. [ T ]

(j) The whole number 1 has no predecessor. [ F ]

(k) The whole number 13 lies between 11 and 12. [ F ]

(l) The whole number 0 has no predecessor. [ T ]

(m) The successor of a two-digit number is always a two-digit number. [ F ]


Chapter 2 – Whole Numbers  (Ex. 2.2)

  1. Find the sum by suitable rearrangement:

(a) 837 + 208 + 363

Solution :-

If we use associative property then we add 837+363 first

  • [837+363] + 208
  • 1200+208 = 1408


(b) 1962 + 453 + 1538 + 647

With  associative property then we add

  • [1962+1538]+[453+647]
  • 3500+1100 = 4600

The term “associative property” refers to the grouping of numbers.

  1. Find the product by suitable arrangement:
(a) 2 x 1768 x 50 

Solution –

[2 x 50] x 1768

100 x 1768 = 176800

(b) 4 x 166 x 25

Solution –

[4 x 25 ] x 166

100 x 166 = 16600

(c) 8 x 291 x 125

Solution –

[125 x 8 ] x 291

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