Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 social science environmental pollution questions and answers

Last updated on December 13th, 2023 at 02:26 pm


[j] How to reduce pollution?
By planting saplings and keeping our environment clean, we reduce pollution.

Long Answer Questions:

(a) What are the causes of air pollution? Suggest some ways to minimize it.
Causes of air pollution include emissions from vehicles and factories, burning fossil fuels, and industrial processes. Ways to reduce this include reducing dependence on fossil fuels, using clean energy sources, controlling vehicle pollution, and planting more trees.


(b) What do you understand by water pollution? Write its causes and effects.
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies by harmful substances. Causes include industrial discharges, sewage disposal, and the use of chemical fertilizers. Effects include diseases, harm to aquatic life, and contamination of drinking water.


(c) Write a short note on soil pollution.
Soil pollution occurs when harmful substances mix with the soil due to human activities. It can result from improper waste disposal, use of non-biodegradable materials, and extensive use of pesticides. It affects human health and the growth of plants.


(d) Define noise pollution and describe ways to minimize it.
Noise pollution is unwanted and unpleasant sound that adversely affects human health. Ways to minimize it include soundproofing, regulating noise-producing machines, and discouraging loud activities in public spaces.


(e) What is nuclear pollution and how is it caused? Write some ways to curb it.
Nuclear pollution is caused by radioactive materials like radium, uranium, and plutonium. Improper disposal and accidents can lead to hazardous exposure. To curb it, a total ban on nuclear tests, proper disposal of radioactive materials, and strict safety measures are essential.

HOTS Questions:

(a) List five actions from your daily life that contribute to environmental pollution. Think of some ways to reduce or curb that pollution.

Using single-use plastics
Wasting water
Excessive use of vehicles
Improper disposal of electronic waste
Overconsumption of resources
Ways to reduce: Use reusable items, conserve water, use eco-friendly transportation, recycle electronic waste, practice sustainable consumption.


(b) What is carpooling? How can it help in reducing air pollution?
Carpooling is the sharing of car rides by multiple individuals. It helps reduce air pollution by decreasing the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions and improved air quality.


(c) Do you think environmental pollution is as serious as scientists say it is? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answers may vary, but possible reasons could include the scientific evidence of climate change, adverse health effects, and the impact on ecosystems, which all indicate the seriousness of environmental pollution.


(d) How can we reuse old newspapers and magazines?
Old newspapers and magazines can be reused by turning them into:

  • Gift wrap
  • Art and craft projects
  • Composting material
  • Donating to schools or community centers
  • Making paper bags or envelopes


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