Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on Class 3 Animal Around us

Last updated on December 9th, 2023 at 10:10 pm

Animal Around us Quiz for Grade 3 MCQ

Animal Around us Quiz for Grade 3 MCQ | Grade 3 Science Worksheets There are 10 questions on this page for grade 3 students to learn for exams.

Animal Around us Online Test

1. Cows and buffaloes masticate their food.


2. Animals like ………… and ………………. have a long sticky tongue.


3. ……………. are animals that eat both plants and animals.


4. Animals feel the changes around them through their………………


5. A mosquito has a long and sticky tongue to catch food.


6. The ………. sucks the blood of animals.


7. The animals that eat only plants are known as _______________.


8. Animals and plants depend on each other for their food.


9. Producing young ones is called………………


10. A grasshopper is  _______________



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