Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Ms PowerPoint Questions and Answers

Ms PowerPoint Questions And Answers


Unlock the secrets of Ms PowerPoint Questions and Answers with these solutions.


Q: How can you add a new slide in a PowerPoint presentation?

A: To add a new slide in a PowerPoint presentation, follow these steps:

  • Select the slide after which you want to add the new slide.
  • click on the “New Slide” button in the Slides group on the Home tab.


Q: How do you change the layout of an existing slide in PowerPoint?

A: Select the existing slide in the Slides Navigation pane, then click on Home > Layout and choose the required layout.


Q: What are the two methods to change the font size in PowerPoint?

A: Method 1: Click on the Font Size drop-down arrow in the Font group on the Home tab and select the desired font size.

Method 2: Click on the Increase Font Size button A or Decrease Font Size button in the Font group to increase or decrease the font size, respectively.


Q: How can you change the font case in PowerPoint?

A: Select the text, click on the Change Case drop-down arrow in the Font group on the Home tab, and choose the desired case from the options.


Q: How do you adjust the vertical alignment of text in PowerPoint?

A: Select the text, click on the drop-down arrow of the Align Text button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, and choose the desired vertical alignment option from the menu.


Q: What steps are involved in creating bulleted or numbered lists in PowerPoint?

A: Select the paragraph or place the cursor where you want to apply the bullets, click on the Bullets or Numbering drop-down arrow in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, and choose the desired list style from the options.


Q: How do you apply indentation in PowerPoint?

A: Drag the Left Indent marker towards the right side to increase indentation. To indent the first line of a paragraph, drag the First Line Indent marker towards the right side.

Q: What is the function of Format Painter in PowerPoint?

A: Format Painter allows you to copy formatting effects from one object to another in PowerPoint. It picks up all the formatting from the first object and applies it to the second object.


Q: How do you insert WordArt in PowerPoint?

A: On the Insert tab, click on the WordArt option in the Text group, select a WordArt style from the gallery, type the desired text, then adjust the text fill colour from the WordArt Styles group on the Format tab.


Q: What is the purpose of inserting a text box in PowerPoint?

A: Inserting a text box allows you to add more text to a slide beyond the space provided in the default text placeholders. It provides flexibility in entering and manipulating text and allows for easy movement of the text box along with its contents on the slide.


Q: How do you create a text box in PowerPoint?

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