Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on Class 4 Environmental pollution

Last updated on December 9th, 2023 at 11:21 pm

MCQ on Environmental pollution


  1. Land pollution refers to…………..
  •  None
  •  Water
  •  Air
  •  Soil


  1. Radioactive pollution is caused by…………..
  •  None
  •  Both
  •  Nuclear
  •  Radioactive


  1. ………………… occurs when nuclear material such as Uranium or Plutonium is released into the environment.
  •  Air Pollution
  •  Radioactive pollution
  •  Water Pollution
  •  Soil Pollution


  1. The abandonment of open mines and construction sites are example of ……………pollution
  •  water
  •  land
  •  air
  •  soil


  1. Loud, disruptive, and unbearable sounds constitute …………………
  •  water pollution
  •  soil pollution
  •  None
  •  noise pollution


  1. The introduction of harmful gases and particles into air causes ………..
  •  land pollution
  •  None
  •  soil pollution
  •  air pollution


  1. Which pollution causes diseases like dysentery, jaundice etc.
  •  Soil
  •  Water
  •  Air
  •  None


  1. Humans prefer a sound level of ………….
  •  None
  •  40-140 decibels
  •  20-120 decibels
  •  80-180 decibels


  1. Oil spill into water bodies are example of ……………….pollution.
  •  Air
  •  Soil
  •  Water
  •  Land


  1. Volcanic eruption, Forest fire ,Sand storms are…………….type of pollution.
  •  None
  •  Both
  •  Natural
  •  Man made

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