Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 4 Social Science Our Rights and Duties

Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 08:50 pm

What are our important duties as citizens of India?

As a citizen of India some of our important duties are-

  • Constitutional rules must be followed
  • Honor the national flag and the national anthem
  • Keeping our country united
  • We must protect our national assets
  • We must protect the environment
  • Treat all Indians equally


How would you define the directive principles of our constitution?

Governments make directive principles for the welfare of the people. Some of the important guidelines are-

  • Assuring all citizens live in decent conditions
  • Providing work to everyone
  • Making sure people do not become rich by exploiting others
  • Improving the conditions of weaker sections of the society such as SC ST


  • Define secularism
  • Secularism means that everyone in the country would have the freedom to follow whatever religion they choose.


  • Define socialism.
  • All people in the country will be treated as equals under socialism, so there will be no discrimination based on caste, religion, or any other factor.


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