Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 3 Science Insects Questions and Answers

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:58 pm

Which insect is responsible for pollinating most of the world’s crops?

  • Honeybee
  • Ant
  • Butterfly

Answer:  Honeybee


Which insect is known for its colorful scales?

  • Butterfly
  • Cockroach
  • Grasshopper

Answer:  Butterfly


Which of the following is not a characteristic of insects?

  • Two pairs of wings
  • Two pairs of legs
  • Four pairs of legs

Answer:  Four pairs of legs


What is the scientific name for the study of insects?

  • Entomology
  • Zoology
  • Anatomy

Answer:  Entomology


Which insect is known for its hive-building behavior?

  • Ant
  • Beetle
  • Dragonfly

Answer:  Ant

Answer the following Questions


  • Question:- Name five common types of insects.
  • The common types of insects are bees, houseflies, butterflies, mosquitoes and beetles, etc.


  • Question:- What are the three main parts of an insect’s body?
  • The three main parts of an insect’s body are:-
  1. Head
  2. Thorax
  3. Abdomen


  • Question:- Define Social Insects. Name some social insects.
  • Some insects live in colonies they are called social insects some of the social insects are ants, termites, and bees.


  • Question:- Why the Ladybird Beetle is called a friend of the farmer?
  • Ladybird beetle eats those insects that damage crops that’ ‘s why we call friends of the farmer.


  • Question:- Name two useful insects.
  • Some of the useful insects are:-
  1. Honeybees – honeybees collect nectar from flowers and this nectar gets converted into honey.
  2. Silkworm: – we get silk fiber from silkworms.


  • Question:- Name two harmful insects.
  • Harmful insects are:-
  1. Mosquitoes: – cause malaria and dengue hence they are a harmful insects.
  2. Termites damage wooden objects.
  3. Silverfish damage clothes.


  • Question:- Describe different types of honey bees and their functions.
  • Honeybees live in beehives. There are 3 different types of honeybees:-
  1. Queen bee: – this is the only egg-producing female in the community.
  2. Worker bee: – worker bee is sterile females they cannot lay eggs.
  3. Drone bee: – stingless and defenseless bee, its only function is to mate with the queen after mating it dies immediately.


  • Question:- Describe the body of an insect?
  • The insect body is divided into 3 parts;
  1. Head – Head consists of 2 eyes and mouth. Head contains two hairy parts called antennae.
  2. Thorax  – Thorax bears wings and legs
  3. Abdomen – Abdomen is the back part of the insect it consists of the heart and stomach.


Question:- Explain the life cycle of butterfly

  1. A tiny worm-like creature called Caterpillar hatches from the egg of the butterfly.
  2. The caterpillar is a hungry creature. It eats plenty of leaves and grows very fast.
  3. When it is fully grown, it makes a structure called a cocoon around it.
  4. The caterpillar at this stage is called a Pupa. It stays in the cocoon without eating or moving and turns into a butterfly.
  5. When the butterfly comes out of the cocoon, it is a fully grown insect.


Question:- What are the measures that can be taken to control pests?

Pests can be controlled with the help of pesticides also we can take some other precautions:-

  1. Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water
  2. Drains and garbage must be covered.


  • Question:- Which mosquito causes malaria?
  • Females Anopheles Mosquito


Fill in the blanks:-

  1. We get silk from ……………
  2. Which insect destroys woods ………….
  3. The insects which live together are called ………… insects.
  4. An insect that destroys crops ……………
  5. Honeybees collect …………… from flowers.
  6. Mosquitoes lay eggs in ……………….. Water.
  7. …………. is used as a sealing material.
  8. we can protect our clothes from insects by using……..
  9. ……….. bee is a stingless and defenseless bee.


  1. Silkworm
  2. Termites
  3. Social
  4. Locust
  5. Nectar
  6. Stagnant
  7. beeswax
  8. naphthalene balls
  9. drone

Answers in ONE word:-

  1. Name of the insect that collects honey – Honey Bee
  2. An insect that causes malaria –  Female Anopheles
  3. An insect that damages Crops – Locust
  4. Insects use this to smell feel and taste things – feelers


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