Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 Social Science Our Environment Class 5 Notes

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 09:30 pm

Answers :- 

All living and nonliving things around us are referred to as the environment, such as houses, buildings, people, animals, land, temperature, water, light, etc.

There are two types of waste: –  biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable wastes.  

Toxic waste or chemical waste is burned in a closed environment in a furnace. It causes air pollution, so it is harmful to the environment.

Compost – crops grown using manure called “compost”, which is produced by dumping household waste into a pit and covering it with soil. The term “organic” refers to food that is produced without using chemical fertilizers, but rather made with natural manure

Living things are dependent on nonliving things for their survival, so maintaining a balance between living and nonliving things is important. For example, plants need water and sunlight to survive and grow.

If water collects in one place, mosquitoes and germs can breed, which leads to many diseases.

Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse are the three R of a clean, healthy environment

Earthworms are responsible for breaking down biodegradable wastes into compost. The process is called vermicomposting.

The environment can be made cleaner and a better place to live with the following steps:

  1. Instead of throwing garbage on the streets or anywhere else, we should use garbage bins. 
  2. Public toilets should be used instead of roads, streets, and other public places. 
  3. We should use paper or cloth bags instead of polythene bags. 
  4. As mosquito breeding places, drains, pools, puddles, and coolers should not accumulate water.

Difference between Biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste

Bio degradable waste: –

  1. The biodegradable wastes rot easily and mix with the soil. Waste materials such as fruit and vegetable peels, leftover food, paper, leaves, etc. are biodegradable.
  2. They do not stay in the environment for a long time.
  3. They do not harm the environment

Non bio degradable waste: – 

  1. Non-biodegradable waste materials do not rot easily or mix with soil. 
  2. Plastic products, aluminium cans, and silver foil are some examples of non-biodegradable wastes. 
  3. It takes thousands of years for them to decompose after they are released into the environment. 
  4. They harm the environment.

Landfills are deep ditches dug in the ground where garbage is dumped. As they fill up, they can be covered with earth, and then the land can be used to make parks and gardens.

Methods of waste disposal :- 

  1. Burning:- Waste is collected in one place and then burned. 
  2. Open dumping:- Waste is taken from towns and cities and dumped in the open 
  3. Land Fills:- Garbage is dumped in deep ditches dug in the ground on the outskirts of the city when they are full. 
  4. Compost pits: Household waste is deposited in pits dug in the ground. Over time, the waste decomposes into manure. The farmer uses it on his fields.

Recycling – A recycling process creates a new product from a used or waste material. Recycling is useful because we can reuse things; we can also reduce pollution and wastage. 


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