Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Maharashtra Board Class 4 EVS Air


if you are looking for Maharashtra Board Class 4 EVS Air solutions then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.


(B) Think and tell.


Q:  Name some things of everyday use in which air is filled under pressure.

Some things of everyday use in which air is filled under pressure include bicycle tires, inflatable mattresses, and aerosol cans.


Q: What is seen mixing with the air when wood or coal burns?

When wood or coal burns, you can see smoke mixing with the air.


Q: What gets mixed with the air when water boils?

When water boils, water vapor gets mixed with the air.


(C) Fill in the blanks.


  1. There is…………even in an empty container.[air]
  2. The air at a greater height from the earth is………….. than the air nearer to the earth. [rarer]
  3. If all the air were divided into five parts, the oxygen in the air would equal………. part.[one]
  4. There is air till a height of about………… from the earth.[8-9]
  5. The layers of air nearer the earth bear …………..weight than the upper layers.[more]


Q: What is the constituent of air that helps burning and is used for respiration?

A: Oxygen gas.


Q: Apart from oxygen, what other gases are present in the atmosphere?

A: Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.


Q: What are some other uses of air?

A: Apart from burning and respiration, air is used in photosynthesis by plants and can carry moisture.


Q: What gas fizzes out of soda-water and is also present in small quantities in air?

A: Carbon dioxide.



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