Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:56 pm
Class 3 Parts of A Plant Question Answer
Class 3 Parts of A Plant Question Answer | Grade 3 Science Question Answers Question Answers / Solutions /Notes for CBSE / ICSE/State kids
Fill in the blanks:
Roots absorb ……. From the soil. Water
The ………. Is the food factory of the plant. Leaf
Basil and neem leaves are used as ……………. medicines
The part of the plant inside the soil is called the …………. Root
The part of the plant above the ground is called ………...system. Shoot
Trees have thick and woody stems called ……………... Trunk
The process of preparing food by the leaves is called ……………. Photosynthesis
The part of the plant that fixes it in the soil, is the………………. root
Leaves appear green because of the presence of a substance called …………. chlorophyll
Two types of roots are ……………. And ……………………. [taproots and fibrous roots]
…………. carries water and mineral salts from the root to the leaves. Stem
Flat and broad surface of a leaf is called…………… leaf blade or lamina
While making food, the leaves give out……………. gas. Oxygen
The top pointed part of the leaf is called……………leaf tip
Flowers grow from……………. Bud
The brightly coloured part of the flowers are called …………. petals.
Some flowers have a sweet smelling substance called……nectar
………….. Contain a baby plant inside them. Seeds
Seeds are protected by a coat called ……………. seed coat.
Seed grows into a …………. plant
The process by which a seed grows into a baby plant is called……………germination
Answer the following questions:
Que: What is a tap root? Give example.
The taproot consists of many small roots that grow from the main root deep in the soil. It grows from the end of the stem. Examples are rose, radish etc.
Que: What is root hair?
The root has very fine hairs on its surface, which are called root hairs.
Que: What parts of the plant do the shoots bear?
A shoot bears stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
Que: What is fibrous root?
A fibrous root is a bunch of thin and small roots that grow from the stem. Example are wheat and grass