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Class 4 Science Teeth And Microbes Questions And Answers

Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 01:24 pm

Teeth and Microbes class 4 worksheet: What are the 4 types of teeth and their functions, teeth worksheets for grade 4.

Worksheet On Teeth And Microbes For Class 4


Fill in the blanks.

  1. Human beings have ……………sets of teeth. [Two /four]
  2. Temporary teeth are also called ……………….teeth. [Milk /permanent]
  3. A permanent set of teeth has …………….teeth. [20 /32]
  4. …………….. holds the teeth in our mouth. [gums / pulp]
  5. White part on outside of the tooth is called ……………….. [enamel/dentine]
  6. Sticky yellow layer on teeth is called ……………………. [plaque/pulp]
  7. Microbes can be seen with the help of ……………………
  8. Harmful microbes are called ……………………
  9. The process of Digestion starts from …………….
  10. Milk teeth are ………………. in number.
  11. Food pipe is also called ………………….

Answers [Fill in the blanks]

  1. Two
  2. Milk
  3. 32
  4. Gums
  5. Enamel
  6. Plaque
  7. Microscope
  8. Germs
  9. Mouth
  10. Twenty
  11. Esophagus

Teeth and Microbes Quiz for Grade 4


Answer the following questions


Q: Which organ helps food to enter into the stomach?

Answer: Food enters into the stomach through the food pipe also called esophagus.


Q: How many sets of teeth do human beings have?

A: Human beings have two sets of teeth – temporary/milk teeth and permanent teeth.


Q: At what age do children develop their first set of teeth?

A: By the age of 2 and a half years, children develop their first set of teeth, which are called milk teeth or temporary teeth.


Q: When do milk teeth begin to fall?

A: Milk teeth begin to fall when the child is about 6 years old.


Q: What happens when milk teeth fall out?

A: When milk teeth fall out, new teeth grow in their place. These new teeth are bigger than milk teeth and are a part of the permanent set of teeth.


Q: How many permanent teeth do human beings have in total?

A: Human beings have 32 permanent teeth in total – 16 in each jaw.


Q: How many types of teeth are there based on their functions?

A: There are four types of teeth based on their functions: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.


Q: What are incisors?

A: Incisors are sharp, flat teeth in the front of each jaw that are used for cutting and biting food. There are 8 incisors, 4 in each jaw.


Q: What are canines?

A: Canines are sharp, pointed teeth present one on both sides of the incisors that are used for tearing food. There are 4 canines, 2 in each jaw.


Q: What are premolars?

A: Premolars are flat and broad teeth present on both sides next to the canines that are used to crush and grind food. There are 8 premolars, 4 in each jaw.


Q: What are molars?

A: Molars are flat and broad teeth at the back of each jaw that help in chewing and grinding food. Molars are broader than premolars. There are 12 molars, 6 in each jaw, 3 on each side.


Q: What are the two parts of a tooth?

A: The two parts of a tooth are the crown and the root. The visible part of the tooth is called the crown, and the part inside the gum is called the root.


Q: What is enamel?

A: Enamel is the outer, white covering of a tooth, and it is the hardest material in the human body.


Q: What is dentin?

A: Dentin is the layer inside the enamel that forms the main hard part of a tooth.


Q: What is pulp?

A: Pulp is the center of a tooth that lies inside the dentin. It is soft and contains blood vessels and nerves.


Q: What is the function of gums?

A: The gums hold our teeth tightly in place.


Q: What is the main function of teeth?

A: The main function of teeth is to chew food, break it down into smaller pieces, and make it easier to swallow and digest. Teeth also help in speaking and give proper shape to our face.

Q: What happens when food particles get stuck in the gaps between our teeth?

A: When food particles get stuck in the gaps between our teeth, if not removed and teeth are not cleaned properly, germs can grow on them, and they form a yellow sticky layer called plaque.


Q: What causes tooth decay?

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