Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 Geography Chapter 4 – Maps

Last updated on September 18th, 2023 at 12:04 am

Which map provides detailed information?

Large scale maps contain a lot of information.


How do symbols help in reading maps?

It is the map’s third most important component. It is not possible to draw the exact shape and size of various features such as buildings, roads, bridges, trees, railway lines, or a well on a map. As a result, they are represented by specific letters, shades, colours, pictures, and lines. These symbols convey a lot of information in a small amount of space. Maps can be drawn quickly and easily using these symbols, and they are easy to read.

Class 6 geography Chapter 4 Maps  Extra Questions


Q: What is the definition of a physical map?

Physical or relief maps represent natural features of the earth such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, and oceans.


Q: What is a political map?

Political maps represent cities, towns, and villages, as well as various countries and states around the world and their boundaries.


Q: What is a thematic map?

Thematic maps are maps that focus on specific information, such as road maps, rainfall maps, maps that show the distribution of forests, industries, and so on.


Q: Difference between large scale map and small scale map ?

  • When large areas like continents or countries are to be shown on a paper, then we use a small scale. For example 5 cm. on the map shows 500 km. of the ground. It is called a small scale map.
  • When a small area like your village or town is to be shown on paper, then we use a large scale that is 5 cm. on the map shows 500 metres only on the ground.It is called a large scale map.
  • Large scale maps give more information than small scale maps.


Q: When is a globe useful?
A: A globe is useful when studying the Earth as a whole.

Q: When do we use maps?
A: We use maps when we want to study a specific part of the Earth, such as our country, states, districts, towns, and villages.


Q: What is a map?
A: A map is a representation or drawing of the Earth’s surface or a part of it on a flat surface, according to a scale.


Q: Why are maps used for studying specific areas?
A: Maps are used for studying specific areas because they provide more detailed information about those areas compared to a globe.


Q: What is an atlas?
A: An atlas is a collection of many maps, often showing different areas or themes, and varying in size and scale.


Q: What are physical or relief maps?
A: Physical or relief maps show natural features of the Earth such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, and oceans.


Q: What are political maps?
A: Political maps show cities, towns, villages, countries, and states of the world, including their boundaries.


Q: What are thematic maps?
A: Thematic maps focus on specific information such as road networks, rainfall patterns, distribution of forests, industries, or any other specific theme or topic.


Q: What are the three components of maps?
A: The three components of maps are distance, direction, and symbol.

Q: What is scale on a map?
A: Scale on a map is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the distance represented on the map.


Q: How does scale help determine distances on a map?
A: Knowing the scale allows one to calculate the real-world distance between any two places on a map.


Q: What is a small scale map?
A: A small scale map shows large areas such as continents or countries. It represents a larger distance on the ground in comparison to the distance shown on the map.


Q: What is a large scale map?
A: A large scale map shows a small area, such as a village or town. It represents a smaller distance on the ground in comparison to the distance shown on the map.


Q: Why is scale important in mapping?
A: Scale is crucial for accurately representing distances and proportions on a map. It enables users to understand the relative sizes and distances between locations.


Q: What is the purpose of using symbols on a map?
A: The purpose of using symbols on a map is to represent various features such as buildings, roads, trees, and railways that cannot be accurately drawn to scale.


Q: How do symbols contribute to the readability of maps?
A: Symbols allow maps to be drawn easily and make them simple to read. They provide a universal language that can be understood by all, regardless of language barriers.


Q: What are conventional symbols on a map?
A: Conventional symbols on a map are symbols that are used universally and are agreed upon internationally. They follow a standard set of symbols that represent specific features consistently across maps.


Q: What is a sketch?
A: A sketch is a drawing based on memory and spot observation, often not drawn to scale.


Q: When is a sketch map used?
A: A sketch map is used when a rough drawing is needed to indicate the location of a specific place in relation to other places.


Q: Why would someone create a sketch map?
A: A sketch map may be created to provide directions or guide someone to a particular location, especially when the person is unfamiliar with the area.


Q: What is the characteristic of a sketch map?
A: A sketch map is drawn without scale, focusing more on indicating relative positions and directions rather than precise measurements.


Q: How is a sketch map different from a detailed map?
A: A sketch map is a simple, rough drawing without scale, while a detailed map provides more accurate and detailed information about an area.


Q: What is a plan?
A: A plan is a drawing of a small area on a large scale, typically showing the dimensions and layout of a specific area or structure.


Q: How does a plan map differ from a large-scale map?
A: A plan provides detailed dimensions and layout of a specific area, while a large-scale map offers more general information about an area.


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