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Plants Around Us Class 1 Questions and Answers

Last updated on September 15th, 2024 at 11:49 pm

Plants Around Us Class 1 Questions And Answers


Plants Around Us Class 1 Worksheets | Plants around us class 1 questions and answers for the students of Grade / Class 1


Fill in the blanks

  1. The…………….. Anchors the plant to the ground. [Root]
  2. The ……… is below the ground.[root]
  3. The leaf prepares the plant’s………………. [Food]
  4. ……………….. Are the most beautiful part of a plant.[Flowers]
  5. ……………………………..  Contain seeds. [Fruit]
  6. Thick and strong stem of a tree is called …………[trunk]
  7. The………………….  Transports water to all parts of the plant.[Stem]
  8. The outer covering of a seed is called a ………. [seed coat]
  9. A …………… needs support to climb up.[climber]
  10. Grass is a ……….[herb]
  11. Tall and strong plants are called ……….[trees]
  12. ______________ grow along the ground.[creepers]


Put true or false in the box.

  1. The leaf is known as the plant’s kitchen…………………..  [ True]
  2. Roots typically grow above ground………………….. [False]
  3. To grow into a new plant, a seed  requires water, air, and sunlight………………….. [True]
  4. Some fruits contain a large number of seeds…………………..[True]
  5. Some flowers develop into fruits. …………………………. [True]


Class 1 Computer Worksheet

Answer the following questions:


  • Q – What are the main parts of a plant?
  • Ans : A plant is made up of five major components: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.


  • Q – Which part of a plant grows beneath the soil? Write its function.
  • Ans : Root ,it keeps the plant fixed to the soil


  • Q – What is the stem’s function?
  • Ans : It transports water and food to different parts of the plant.


  • Q – How does a seed become a new plant?
  • Ans : A seed grows into a new plant when a proper amount of air water and sun light is given.


  • Q – Which is the hardest part of the fruit
  • Ans : Seed


  • Q – Define ‘Trees’ ? Give 2 example.
  • Ans : The tall big plants are called trees. Ex – Banyan tree, Mango tree.


  • Q – Define ‘Herbs’ ? Give 2 example.
  • Ans : Herbs are small plants with weak stems.Example : Spinach, coriander, etc.


  • Q – Define ‘Shrubs’ ? Give 2 example.
  • Ans : Shrubs are plants that are short and bushy. Example : rose, marigold.


  • Q – Define ‘Climbers’ ? Give 2 example.
  • Ans : Plants that need support to stand are called climbers. Example : Pea, grapevine.


  • Q – What are ‘Creepers’ ? Give example.
  • Ans : Creepers are plants that grow along the ground. Example : Muskmelon, watermelon


  • Q – How do plants breathe ?
  • Ans : Plants breath through their leaves.


  • Q – What are the different types of plants ?
  • Ans : Different types of plants are :  Trees , Climbers , Shrubs , Herbs , Creepers.


  • Q – What are some of the things plants give us?
  • Sugar, oil, wood, and vegetables are the products we get from plants.


  • Q – How is the shoot structured?
  • Shoots have stems, buds, flowers, fruits, and leaves.


  • Q – What are plants’ ways of making food?
  • In the presence of air, water, and sunlight, leaves produce food.


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